Timeline and schedule
Feb 1st: Kickoff Event launched! Here you are.
March 31st: Finish your design Design should be finished by this point. Order the parts.
April 14th: Parts should arrive All your parts should’ve arrived by now. You’ll need the 2-3 weeks to tune and continue working on your printer.
May 4th: Printer needs to be fully tuned Your benchy should work by now! This is two days ahead of the ship date so you have time to pack it.
May 6th: Ship everything off Everything should be shipped off by this date, if not earlier. Otherwise your printer may not make it to RMRRF. You can take it on your carry-on if you want to avoid shipping and/or think it won’t arrive in time.
May 16th: Fly to RMRRF The big moment. Hope I see you there.